
2022-09-08 12:53


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Solution of Mildewproof Rattan Artwork

Author:Guangzhou AiHaoEr Mildewproof antibacterial technology Co., Ltd.(Network Department)


Class:Technical solution

According our mildewproof engineers went to wood -sound box factory,尾气分析仪 observed and studyed the structure material and processing technology ,we found venders could treat mildew problem by following methods which can prevent damp and mildew for rattan artwork,and last clould ship safety product for forign clients.

一、材料控制ONE Material control

1、竹编制品及木、藤、芒、葵、草等用iHeir-JP竹木防霉抗菌剂药水浸渍应使竹、木、藤、草及其制品在浸渍后增重15%-20%(大约5—10分钟)。备注:浸泡液体按照1:20的配制(5kg竹木防霉剂 : 100kg水)。竹、木、藤、草及其制品全部浸入配好的药水中(勿露出水面),达到增重15%-20%后,取出滴干药水,风干或晒干后包装入库。本产品制备的药水性质稳定,可反复使用,不必废弃。但药液不能浸没竹木制品时应及时添加药液,补充药液按更高的比例配制。

No.1Bamboo &wood products and prodcuts are made from such as rattan, fern, kwai, grass should soak with iHeir - JP (Bamboo /wood Anti-mold Agent), an实验机按传动方式分机械式和油压式两类d then they would gain weight 15% to 20% after dipping (about minutes).Note:  the preparation of the soakiong liquid as 1:20 (5 kg  Bamboo /wood Anti-mold Agent: 100 kg of water).Bamboo, wood, rattan, grass, and all products into prepared potions (not above water), after gained weight 15% - 15%, remove the  potions, and  please air dry or  sun dry before packaging in warehousing .The potions of this product is stable, can be used repeatedly, no t when the solution cannot  immerse wood products should add liquid medicine in time , and supply the iquid medicine according to the higher proportion.


No.2 Adding 1~2% of iHeir-JS (Gluewater Anti-mold Agent ) before using environmental cause environmental glue is easly to offer  nutrient source that caused microbes grow.


No.3It must control the humidity of density board, MDF and wood .It’s recomemded control under 12% of exceed 14% should do some anti-mold e simple way is to brush with wool on the surface of Bamboo /wood Anti-mold Agent iHeir - the surface need to  painted that recommend adding % of iHeir -YQ Paint Anti-Mold Agent(As for environmental for nature and human,today the paint does not add any agent to mould and antibacteria.),which prevents the growth of mold, bacteria and other microbes.


No.4Put orban anti-mold chipson surface of finished ep paper and plastic bags who is used for pakage for peoducts clean ,the humidity should control under 12%.When packaging,it has better to cover the craftworks orban chips kills bacterials and mold by releaseing anti-mold factors which has good effect to prevent mold te:According its specifications of 这款车的长度是4.5mproducts   to place orban chips properly.


No.5Put some H-4 anti-mold desiccants in packaging bag would reduce the risk of mildew.

二、仓库控制TWO Warehouse control


No.1Bamboo products and wood, rattan, fern, kwai, grass, etc, these finished products shouldn’t pile up on the floor but should use pallets to separate,and far away from wall about 10 centimeter.


No.2The material warehouse and finished product warehouse should have sterilization treatment once cording北票 practical situation of your company, first of all ,keep the floor clean. The plus material ,packaging materials and finished product warehouse then do a antibacterial treatment with iHeir - Spray(5%) every month at the start three months ,and after these three months should do it every three months .(Use method:add iHeir-Spray in water ,then mop the floor.)Note:treating once month during Meiyu reason .


No.3Let air circulates in materials  warehouse and finished products en the outdoor humidity is greater than indoor humidity, close the doors and oppositely,open the windows and doors, record the change of the humidity and te桥梁混凝土构件疲劳试验机 relative humidity is over 80% during Meiyu season,should install moisture-removal equipment or put some  antimicrobial desiccants in warehouse,which reduce the risk of mildew for products.



No.1Check the shaft and esaling facilities are in good condition whether have problem of leakage or deformation.


No.2The cotainer should keep clean ,no oil and no peculiar recommended that spraying iHeir - Spray to avoid cross infection.( 500 g a container).


No.3After loading,in order to avoid moisture " the container rain ",it’s recommanded that placed dry rods every 3m at the top of the container.


If have any questions ,we would like to offer support of technology and professional guidence ,include that appointing our experts for you.

想了解更多防霉知识,可联系艾浩尔聂小姐 或加:  邮箱:nhmnhm@



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